Lifestyles are routine practices of choice including habits of dress, eating, modes of acting, and favored surroundings for encountering others. These lifestyles can be seen as an expression of an individual's identity and are open to change in the light of the changing nature of self-identity. Lifestyles are identifiable patterns of behavior that have a profound effect on an individual’s health and on the health of others. It is important to recognize, that there is no “optimal” lifestyle to be prescribed for all people. Culture, income, family structure, age, physical ability, home, and work environment will make certain ways and conditions of living more attractive, feasible, and appropriate. Lifestyle factors that influence health include primarily physical activity, diet, sleep, use of alcohol, use of tobacco and related products, drug use, and stress.

Wilska, T-A. 2002. Me – A consumer? Consumption, identities and lifestyles in today's Finland. Acta Sociologica, 45: 195–210.  

Giddens, A. 1991. Modernity and self-identity. Self and society in the late modern age, Cambridge, , UK: Polity Press.  

WHO 1998 Health promotion glossary Accessed 06 January 2020

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