This is the eighth course organized by SHE
Dates: 4-6 November 2020
Place: Online event
Arranged by: University of Maastricht in the Nederlands
Theme: Health Literacy
Presenting team: Orkan Orkan, Leena Paakari, Kathelijne Bessems, and Jesper von Seelen.
You can find the program here.
International Handbook of Health Literacy: Research, Practice and Policy across the Life-span.
Orkan Okan (from SHE's research group) and collegues have written this handbook on thealth literacy that is available with open access under CC-BY-NC license. It provides an overview of current international thinking about health literacy, highlighting cutting edge research, policy and practice in the field.
1) Open key notes on health literacy
Open session 1: Health literacy in schools (Orkan Okan Bielefeld University and Leena Paakkari University of Jyväskylä)
Open session 2: Health literacy in research, practice and policy (Orkan Okan Bielefeld University and Leena Paakkari University of Jyväskylä)
2) The plenary presentations
Health Promotion in Schools. The Schools for Health in Europa (SHE) network (Kevin Dadazynski)
Healthy schools in complex adaptive systems (Stef Kremers, Maastricht University)
Co-creation of a virtual reality alcohol prevention app (Julie Dalgaard Guldager, University of Southern Denmark and University College South Denmark)
The link between physical activity and learning (Jesper von Seelen, University of Southern Denmark and University College South Denmark)
Standards and indicators of the Health Promoting School (Emily Darlington, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France)
Application of a community of practice to an evaluation study (Gerjanne Vennegoor, Maastricht University, the Netherlands)
A contextual action-orientated research approach and a community of practice (Nina Bartelink, Maastricht University, the Netherlands)
Up for Cooking. Food literacy in disguise (Lisa Harms, Maastricht University, the Netherlands)
Good affordable food. A Nutricion Education program for lower SES adults (Kathelijne Bessems, Maastricht University, the Netherlands)
3) Participant presentations
The participants presented their own research during the SHE Academy. The presentations can be found here.
Alena Václavová: Better politic for public health for children and youth
Alicia Sanchez: Healthy life project III
Anne T. Klomsten: Exploring education in mental health (EMH) in Norway: How do secondary school students experience to learn about mental health literacy within a school context?
Carolina Lopes: Covid-19 and social inequalities. Participatory diagnosis of the COLUNI/UFF school community
Cláudia Mariana Julião Bacatum: What are pre-school children food habits? The importance of children food habits to develop a school-based program to promote healthy eating
Craig Smith: Adolescent Health Literacy Demonstration Project
Danit Bar-Sella: Wellbeing Program
Hannah Goss: Adolescent health literacy demonstration project
Inge Biot: Renewed educational goals health literacy
Julián Vadell Martínez: Sexual education and information and communication technologies: professional position, homosexual, population, and dating applications
Katharina Christina Wirnitzer, Martina Gregori & Derrick Reid Tanous: From science to school :sustainably healthy -active & veggy
Liz Drotos: Patterns and determinants of sleep in adolescent students of a united world college : A mixed methods case study
Lynda Lattke: Socio-relational well-being and dropout in vocational schools: a study on school engagement and satisfaction
Maria Ramos Monserrat: Evaluation of CEPS programme 2019-2020
Michal Aharonson: School BMI measurement is it healthy?
Paolo Zucca: The Bio-crime school's one health prevention program in Italy, Austria, Germany, Slovenja, Mauritius and Japan.
Pilar Giménez García: Ibi healthy schools program SHE school for health in Europe
Séverine De Bruyn: Health literacy in the revised attainment targets
Telma Nogueira: Sintra Grows healthy
Vittorio Palermo: Peer education as a tool to engage families and schools in health lifestyles promotion