In health research, the terminology and measurement of school connectedness varies considerably. A common element defining the concept is “the extent to which students feel personally accepted, respected, included and supported by others in the school social environment”1. Measurement of school connectedness can be done in various ways. One example is assessing school connectedness by a sum of three dimensions: school satisfaction (one question), peer support (three questions), and teacher support (three questions)2.

1Goodenow C. The psychological sense of school membership among adolescents: Scale development and educational correlates. Psychol Sch. 1993;30(1):79-90.

2Guldager, Julie & von Seelen, Jesper & Andersen, Pernille & Leppin, Anja. (2020). Do student social background and school context affect implementation of a school-based physical activity program?. Evaluation and Program Planning. 82. 101844. 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2020.101844.

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