Join our webinar on 21st January 2021
Upcomming Global Health & Education Webinar:
On 21 January 2021 from 14.00 - 15.00 CET, the interactive webinar “Health literacy in schools: an education asset in the 21st century” will take place. The webinar is part of the Global Health & Education webinar series and organised by the UNESCO Chair Global Health & Education in collaboration with Schools for Health in Europe Network Foundation (SHE). The webinar will be held in English.
Join it for free on this link.
The aim of this webinar is to discuss health literacy in the school context and the educational sector. Health literacy is a critical 21st century competence that enables children and adolescents to critically evaluate health information, make informed decisions about health, and inform their health behaviour. This becomes paramount especially in context of digitalisation and digital change, both of which impact the way health information is produced, provided and communicated. Furthermore, health literacy contributes to health equity and enables children and adolescents to participate in and contribute to the society.
The development of health literacy begins as early as in childhood and schools represent the most promising setting to facilitate the enhancement of child and adolescent health literacy. Incorporating health literacy in to the curriculum and interlinking with existing subjects, topics, and themes is therefore a necessary step. Health literacy is not only about personal competencies and individual behaviour but needs to be understood as a structural approach addressing system-level factors and conditions. These include professional development of teachers and educational staff, organisational change of and quality standards in education, and supportive policy development and investment.